Salt is a good gift from the Lord
What if…the answer to so many of our health issues has been right in front of us from the beginning of creation?
What if…our pursuit of technological advancement and human achievement has led us away from the simple health principles that God built into our bodies since the Garden of Eden?
What if…just like so many other things in this fallen world, one of God’s greatest gifts for human health has been wrongly maligned and smeared as a harmful toxin?
We are talking about salt. It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, where you’re from in the world, or how much you know about health—chances are, you’ve heard that salt can be harmful and that you need to be careful how much of it you eat. What you haven’t heard is that the evidence for those claims is shaky, at best. When it comes to salt, there’s a lot more to the story. Did you know that our bodies are full of salt? Around 90% of the mineral content in our blood is salt. That’s not an accident—salt performs a number of essential functions in our bodies, helping with digestion, maintaining fluid balance, cell function and reproduction, and carrying electrical signals for the entire nervous system, including from our hearts and brains. Simply put, without enough salt, our bodies will shut down and die. We don’t just need salt, we need a lot of salt. In fact, science shows us that your health is much more likely to suffer if you’re consuming too little salt, rather than too much.
We are quite literally just scratching the surface of the importance of salt. If this surprises you, we completely understand. The modern world has declared war on salt for decades, but it hasn’t always been that way. In fact, the world actually depended on salt for millennia. The history and progression of civilization are intertwined with the history of salt, and again, that’s no accident. Before Adam was created, salt was placed on the earth, along with all the other essential elements of God’s design including sunlight, water, oxygen, and food. Just like those other foundational elements of Creation, salt was a key part of God’s design for life on earth. The fact that it adds flavor and joy to the eating experience does not just evidence that God intended us to eat it, but yet another display of His love for us and common grace to the world.
Looking at salt through the lens of God’s creation of the world reveals a simple truth: salt is a good gift from the Lord for our health and enjoyment. We’ve been learning, researching, and consuming salt for years and we’ve seen the benefits of salt for our health revealed in our lives and the lives of our loved ones. Now, we’re committed to sharing the truth about salt with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Why? So that we can do our part to steward our bodies, strengthen our health, and live out the purposes of God in our lives and together as the Church.